Last Updated on September 16, 2024 by David Thomas
Over the last few years, I’ve gone from a mediocre reader to now an average reader in my opinion. My decision to take ownership of my life with food and health naturally lead me to want to take care of my mind.
So here are 5 books that I read in 2022 that might be worth checking out in 2024.
Click the pictures if you want to purchase them or save them for later.

So I actually listened to this book earlier this year and I’m so glad I did. I ended up buying the hard copy so I could write in it and take notes. I like to add sticky notes as you’ll see in the remaining photos.
The biggest takeaway I got from the book is learning how to separate my emotions from my actions. I learned how to pick apart my ego. I learned that it’s ok to feel certain emotions but it’s my responsibility to step back and observe those emotions. Then I can make the best decision. I no longer let emotions drive me to decisions that I may regret.
Favorite Chapter: 2 ” Your Inner Roommate”

You may have seen or read Austin’s other book, Steal like an Artist. Very similar, it’s simple and straight to the point.
This book is filled with gems showing how to stop overthinking when sharing your work. He breaks things down in a fun way with tons of examples. My favorite tip is the Vampire Test. Check out the book to find out what it is. Let me know when you do.
Favorite Chapter: 5 “Tell Good Stories”

This is probably my favorite book on the list. Maybe because it was another quick read. But I used to have a problem saying no to people. I was a real Yes Man. I thought I was going to miss out on something special. Over the last few years, I’ve learned that it’s damn near impossible to do everything. So I’ve learned how to prioritize things/goals in my life and set strict boundaries.
Hell yeah or no gave me some solid tools to assist with my current goals in life, learning how to say no, getting out of a bad state of mind, & tips on how to disconnect to be able to think clearly about your dream.
Favorite Chapter: Making Things Happen

As you can tell by now, all of 2022 my main goal was to figure out how to make time for the things that are important to me. I’m a full-time barber stylist, Husband with 2 kids, and starting another business that I’ve never done before. My schedule is pretty stacked. But hey, this is life. I chose this so it’s my responsibility to figure out how to make it work. Complaining won’t get ish done.
This is more like a reference guide filled with techniques to try out in your life to essentially “Make Time” for the things you really want to do with your life. In my case, I learned how to prioritize things in a way that worked for me. I’ve tried 17 of the 87 techniques in this book. And I must say it’s a total game-changer. My favorite techniques are #’s 6, 13, 17, 55 & 65.
Favorite Chapter: “REFLECT”

Another favorite on the list. As a plant-based athlete myself, it was so awesome to read about all the other plant-based athletes out there.
I’d say most of the information in here I knew because I listen to one of the author’s Podcasts “No Meat Athlete Radio”This is a great starting point for anyone curious about switching to a plant-based diet. Most people I meet are stunned when they find out I’m plant-based. Then the wonderful question comes. ” Well, what do you eat?” This book breaks it down way better than I ever could. They also interview athletes at the highest level, from US Olympians to powerlifters and ultramarathon runners. It even gives recipes and how to make good grocery/pantry lists, full of whole foods. I highly recommend this book even if you aren’t vegan but looking to add some variety to your diet.
Favorite Chapter: 3 “It’s time to have the Protein Talk”
I read about 15 books last year which is a record high for me. My goal is to double that this year. I’m all about wellness and these books help me tremendously. So it’s only right to share the knowledge with my people.
Honorable Mentions:
Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
Clarity & Connection by Yung Pueblo
Drop a comment with some of your favorite books.
& As always,
Thanks for reading….
I wish you all a prosperous 2023!