Last Updated on January 1, 2024 by David Thomas
What do you think is the most important factor of long-lasting, healthy hair? Which shampoo/conditioner you use? How often do you wash? What type of oils you use?
None of these.
The most important part of healthy hair is a healthy diet. Remember where hair comes from – the scalp. Many times, the difficulties we face with our hair are usually caused by what’s going on beneath our scalps. The food we decide to eat makes an impact on the body’s natural chemistry and its ability to grow healthy cells – like hair cells. So when the body is filled with toxins and bad food, it shows. Have you heard the saying “You are the sum of who you surround yourself with?” In this case, you are the sum of what you think, what you eat, and what you do.
Table of Contents
Diet Like You Mean It
The health of hair (and skin for that matter) depends on the proper intake of nutrients. Speaking with a nutritionist is the greatest advice I can give. Luckily, I’ve done some quick research for you to help. According to, nutritionists recommend 13 great tasting foods that can help you grow your hair. Here are my top five from the list:
· Avocado
· Almonds & Walnuts
· Legumes (beans)
· Pumpkin Seeds & Chia seeds
A nutritionist helps you live a healthier lifestyle, which in turn helps you grow amazing hair. If you’d like to speak to one, I actually happen to know an awesome one. Meet Cassie
Nutritionist Not In The Budget?
Okay, so jumping straight to a nutritionist may bring more questions. In this hectic year (is it over yet?), budgets have tightened so I can understand if a nutritionist is not in your budget. So here are some tips I provide my clients on growing healthy hair and all-around wellness.

· Eat a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains
· Sugars and salts may be nice, but they should be used in moderation
· Don’t eat the same thing every day. Enjoy your life and add some variety!… Try some colorful foods
· Cut back on the alcohol and stay away from fast food (I hear these things go hand in hand, like Jack N The Box after a night of beer pong)
· Choose certified organic foods whenever possible (especially if you’re eating the flesh of your produce)
Side Note: Think About Your Kidneys
Our kidneys, if you were not aware, are responsible for removing waste products – including drugs. They also control the production of red blood cells and balance our body’s fluids. When our kidneys are feeling overworked from poor diet and poor life choices, waste stays in the body but ultimately has to be released in some way from the body. The first place the toxins go is through the head and, subsequently, hair. This is very similar to chemo’s effect on the body. The kidneys can’t handle the chemicals being fluxed through the system and thus cause hair loss.
Another Cause of Hair loss – Stress

Stress can literally cause you to lose your hair. The worst stress kind of stress is the stress we don’t feel right away. Here are a couple tips I can offer on managing a fast pace lifestyle, based on my own experience.
Don’t Check Your Phone First Thing in the Morning
Checking a phone first thing in the morning puts you in a reactive state, which limits your ability to focus on your own goals for the day. Start your day by giving yourself at least 15-20 minutes without touching any electronics. You can use that time to mentally prepare for your day, stretch, and/or get a light meditation in.
Everyone needs to move throughout the day, you don’t need to be an athlete. Prepare your body for the movements you’ll be doing in the day by spending at least 5-10 min stretching. Here’s my favorite stretch routine when I’m short on time.
Normally, I would tell people to meditate – in fact, I mentioned it above. However, meditation takes practice, which causes many people to think meditation doesn’t work. So instead of meditation, you can spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, sitting upright or lying down. Try something simple like the 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise
It’s a miracle you woke up in the morning, take a moment and think about 2-3 things that you’re grateful for, and smile! It’s a new day.

In Conclusion
Let’s step back from trying to fix internal problems, by applying external solutions. Try adding some of these tips to your daily routine, and I promise you’ll notice a difference in your hair, skin, and mental state.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoyed and learned a couple of things, and I hope to see you in the next blog!