Everyday Hair Care Mistakes Men Make and How to Fix Them

Last Updated on August 6, 2023 by David Thomas

Hair care can be overwhelming with the sheer amount of information and advice available. However, many of us make mistakes that can harm our hair without realizing it. This guide will highlight common hair care mistakes and provide solutions to avoid them. Whether you are a seasoned hair care veteran or just starting, this guide will help you keep your hair in top condition.

Over Washing

over washing hair mistake

Let’s discuss overwashing, which is a highly debated topic. You may have heard conflicting opinions, such as shampooing once per week, twice per week, or even daily. The truth is, it’s a personal preference based on various factors. 

Consider the products you use, your level of physical activity, and the climate. To avoid clogging your pores, I recommend using organic products that don’t require immediate washing. For instance, I shampoo my hair once every one to two weeks but adjust based on any itching or flaking. I also avoid heavy products and use YEAR 4, a hydrating spray that balances my scalp’s pH, breaks down buildup, and soothes dryness between washes. 

To determine how often to wash your hair, experiment by stopping shampoo for a week or two, reintroducing it, and observing how your hair and scalp feel. If you usually shampoo every day, try every other day to discover that you may not need as much shampoo as you think. Remember, your scalp regulates itself, and frequent stripping of oils can lead to overproduction. Our bodies are remarkable, and we don’t always need products to maintain healthy hair.

Skipping Conditioner 

Common statements I hear in the chair:

What’s conditioner?

Wait, I’m supposed to be using conditioner?

I don’t like the way conditioner makes my hair feel.

I want texture, so I don’t use conditioner.

I just use the 2 in 1’s.

Skipping conditioner

Guys, it’s essential to include conditioner in your hair care routine. Conditioner helps to restore the nutrients that your hair needs. Using a harsh shampoo with sulfates can strip your hair of its natural oils and substances that your scalp needs. If you’re also overwashing your hair and not using conditioner, it can lead to problems. 

It’s worth noting that not all conditioners are the same. Some may make your hair feel heavy or weird, but that’s likely because you’re using the wrong one.

To avoid this issue, look for a light conditioner, such as a volumizing formula. I plan to do some research on the ingredients that contribute to a conditioner’s ability to maintain volume while remaining lightweight. In the meantime, you may find this article on choosing the right shampoo and conditioner helpful.

Neglecting Scalp Care

If you neglect to take care of the foundation from which your hair grows, your hair will reflect that neglect. When shampooing, cleanse your scalp thoroughly by giving yourself a proper scrub. Simply putting the product in and washing it out won’t do the trick. Just as you exfoliate your face with your skincare routine, you should exfoliate your scalp with a good scrub. I provide this service for all my clients who get shampoos because I know they aren’t scrubbing as thoroughly as I do at home.

For my scalp routine, I prefer to use oil to moisturize my scalp after shampoo and conditioner. However, I don’t use oil daily. Whenever you cleanse your scalp, you strip oils. Adding oils helps to regulate oil production on your scalp. Using oils such as jojoba and coconut oil keeps your skin and scalp moisturized, so it doesn’t have to produce extra oil.


dandruff vs dry scalp

Some men may mistake a dry scalp for dandruff. Dry scalp and dandruff are not the same. Dandruff is a condition that does not go away.

A dry scalp can be solved by using the correct scalp moisture techniques. Oils, butter, and choosing the correct shampoo and conditioner depending on your skin type and condition.

If you need help figuring out if you have dandruff or a dry scalp, you can ask your barber or stylist. If you have the time and resources, your dermatologist is the best person you can ask. They’re an excellent resource for anything related to your skin type. At the end of the day, your hair does grow out of your scalp, which is considered skin. A dermatologist is more than qualified to check out anything related to your scalp.

I have come across a new trend recently, known as scalp specialists. These professionals are experts in dermatology and specialize in treating scalp issues.

Using too much product or the wrong type 

When it comes to hair care products, it’s easy to get carried away and use too much of a good thing. You may have found the perfect styling product or oil, but using too much of it can lead to buildup on the scalp. This can be frustrating, especially if you thought the product was ideal for you.

To avoid this, finding a routine that works for you and doesn’t require excessive amounts of products is essential. If you do need to use heavy products, be sure to rinse them out thoroughly. For lighter products, use them in moderation. Remember, less is often more when it comes to hair care. If you have any questions or concerns about your hair care routine, feel free to reach out to me for help.

Waiting too long between haircuts

dont wait to see your barber

It’s common for guys to make the mistake of waiting too long between haircuts. This decision ultimately depends on your budget and location. However, the longer you wait, the longer your hair grows. It’s important to remember that barbers are hair experts and can provide valuable information on haircare products, styles, and conditions. If haircare is important to you, you should check in with your barber frequently. A consistent schedule is essential, whether once a week or once a month. Waiting six months or three months can lead to unmanageable hair. By checking in with your barber regularly, you can save time and even receive helpful resources like this blog post. 

Overlooking hair health from within 

If you have been following my blogs, you already know how much I prioritize hair care and overall health. While using the right products and avoiding common mistakes are important, they won’t yield significant results unless you take care of your body from the inside out. Our food plays a crucial role in our hair and body health. Even if two people eat the same unhealthy food, their bodies may react differently. For example, one person may gain weight, while another may develop stomach issues or diabetes due to sugar tolerance. The point is, if you put bad things into your body, your hair and overall health will suffer.

I’ve seen this firsthand with some clients who neglect their health. While they may not be experiencing balding, I can notice changes in their hair density, skin condition, and energy levels.

Healthy hair starts inside the body

Please prioritize your health and well-being. I have a blog on the top five nutritious whole foods I enjoy, and I also recommend consulting with a nutritionist if you want to dive deeper. I recommend Cassie, a Clinical Nutritionist. She has an excellent newsletter that she shares at least once a month. Taking care of yourself from the inside out will benefit your hair and entire body. 


Achieving radiant, healthy hair is not just about finding the right shampoo or conditioner; it’s about understanding the intricacies of our hair and avoiding common pitfalls. With the proper knowledge and proactive measures, you can sidestep these typical blunders and maintain hair that’s both healthy and stunning. So, as you continue your hair care journey, keep these insights in mind, stay informed, and always prioritize the well-being of your crowning glory.

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